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Hofmann's Elixir: LSD And The New Eleusis by Albert Hofmann

By Asim Janjua   ✺   Writing  ✺  Book Reviews
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Delve into the history, cultural impact, and potential benefits of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).

Hofmann's Elixir: LSD And The New Eleusis by Albert Hofmann


Hofmann's Elixir: LSD and the New Eleusis is a captivating and informative book that delves into the history, cultural impact, and potential benefits of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). The author, Amanda Feilding, is a well-known advocate for drug policy reform and psychedelic research. The book not only tells the story of Dr. Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD, but also examines the potential of the substance as a tool for personal and societal transformation. Through a mix of scientific research, historical analysis, and personal insights, Feilding invites readers to consider the role of LSD in shaping human culture and consciousness.




Hofmann's Elixir: LSD and the New Eleusis is a compelling and well-researched exploration of the history, impact, and potential benefits of LSD. Through the story of Dr. Albert Hofmann and his remarkable discovery, Amanda Feilding invites readers to consider the role of psychedelics in shaping human culture.

Author: Albert Hofmann, Editor Amanda Feilding
Publisher: Strange Attractor Press
Publication date: 2010
Pages: 176

Hofmann's Elixir: LSD And The New Eleusis

By Albert Hofmann

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