LSD My Problem Child by Dr. Albert Hofmann


In LSD: My Problem Child, Dr. Albert Hofmann chronicles the unexpected birth of LSD, guiding us through a labyrinth of scientific curiosity, profound personal experiences, and the drug's turbulent foray into societal consciousness.

Hofmann, as a pioneering chemist, becomes a philosopher and historian, weaving a narrative that’s as rich in scientific intrigue as it is in cultural significance. The book is a testament to the transformative potential of LSD, viewed through the lens of its creator, who remained both a steward of its promise and a witness to its complexities. Hofmann’s prose is devoid of the inscrutable technical language often found in scientific texts; instead, it's marked by lucidity and openness, inviting readers to ponder the profound questions that LSD poses about the nature of reality and consciousness.

The impression one gets from Hofmann's writing is not just of a scientific account, but of a deeply personal journey. The tone is conversational, yet imbued with the authority of someone who has not only seen the genesis of a world-changing substance but has also felt its profound effects. Hofmann approaches his subject with both humility and a sense of responsibility, acknowledging LSD’s double-edged impact on society.

The narrative doesn’t shy away from the dark turns, yet it maintains an enduring optimism about LSD’s potential to unlock new dimensions of human understanding.


  • Hofmann describes the serendipitous nature of LSD's discovery and his transformative first self-experimentation.
  • The text outlines early scientific interest in LSD, exploring its psychiatric potential and therapeutic possibilities.
  • Hofmann considers the chemical nuances of LSD, addressing its modifications and the effects on biological research.
  • The shift in societal perception from a medical remedy to a recreational substance is critically examined.
  • Cultural and historical contexts are enriched through discussions of LSD’s Mexican plant relatives and their use in indigenous rituals.
  • Encounters with luminaries such as writer Ernst Jünger and visionary Aldous Huxley are recounted, offering a glimpse into their perspectives on psychedelics.
  • Hofmann ponders the wider cultural ramifications of LSD, particularly its role in the counterculture movements of the 1960s.
  • Philosophical reflections are interwoven throughout, contemplating the nature of reality as influenced by LSD.
  • The misuse and subsequent demonization of LSD, alongside its potential benefits, are discussed with a nuanced understanding.
  • Additional materials, including appendices in the book, provide context and continuity to the ongoing conversation on psychedelics.


  • "I see the true importance of LSD in the possibility of providing material aid to meditation aimed at the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality."
  • "LSD wanted to tell me something. It gave me an inner joy, an open-mindedness, a gratefulness, open eyes and an internal sensitivity for the miracles of creation."
  • "Through my LSD experience, I came to understand Albert Schweitzer's concept of 'reverence for life' in a more profound way."
  • "LSD could help to awaken a sense of wonder and curiosity that conventional education has managed to stifle."
  • "Everyday reality is only one of several manifestations of the essence of reality."
  • "The pharmacological properties of LSD cannot be interpreted solely by its structural formula."
  • "By no means did I wish to banish or kill the mystery of LSD. I wanted, rather, to incorporate it into our understanding of the material world."
  • "If used improperly, LSD could become a threat to society; used wisely, it could become an instrument of profound benefit."
  • "The potential of LSD to affect the mind is almost infinite, ranging from terrifyingly destructive to beatifically creative."
  • "I can understand that the profundity of the LSD experience could lead to religious revelations, but I do not believe that it necessitates them."


LSD: My Problem Child is more than a historical document; it is a reflective exploration of a chemical that has the power to redefine the boundaries of human experience.

Hofmann's book takes us on a journey through the microcosm of molecular structures to the macrocosm of societal impact, never losing sight of the profound ethical and spiritual questions that such a powerful substance evokes. In its pages, LSD is both the problem child causing disruption and the wonder child holding a mirror to the depths of the psyche. Hofmann's final word is one of caution and hope: respect for the potential of LSD and recognition of its risks. His legacy, encapsulated in this work, is a call to approach such profound tools with the wisdom and reverence they demand.

This book is a cornerstone for anyone seeking to understand the intricate dance between science, consciousness, and society—a dance led by the enigmatic molecule known as LSD.

Author: Dr. Albert Hofmann
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Research (MAPS)
Publication date: 2017 (4th Edition)
Pages: 224

LSD My Problem Child

Dr. Albert Hofmann

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