Mastering Microdosing by Paul Austin


In this book Paul Austin presents a deep exploration into the ancient and modern realms of psychedelic use. The book not only charts the historical journey of these substances across various cultures but also situates them within the contemporary context of mental health and personal development. Austin's narrative weaves through the intricate tapestry of human history, illustrating how psychedelics have been integral to spiritual practices and rites of passage. From the peyote rituals of the Wixárika to the soma of ancient India, and the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece, the author illuminates the depth and breadth of psychedelic influence on human consciousness.

Austin's work stands out in its ability to articulate the transformative power of psychedelics, particularly microdosing, in a language that resonates with a modern audience. He approaches the topic with a blend of reverence for the ancient wisdom and a critical eye towards contemporary applications, emphasizing the potential of psychedelics to heal trauma, enhance cognitive performance, and foster a deeper connection with life. This book is not merely a historical account; it is a call to reexamine and reintegrate these ancient tools into our modern lives, especially at a time when conventional medicine often falls short in addressing complex mental health issues.


  • Ancient Roots of Psychedelics: Psychedelics have been integral to human culture for millennia, used in various spiritual and religious practices across civilizations. For instance, the Wixárika people's use of peyote and the soma rituals in ancient India are early examples of the deep-rooted connection between psychedelics and human spirituality​​.
  • Psychedelics in Ancient Greece: The use of kykeon, a psychedelic drink made from ergot, in the Eleusinian Mysteries, highlights the role of psychedelics in ancient Greek culture and philosophy. Such practices influenced the thoughts of key philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, suggesting psychedelics' impact on the foundations of Western philosophy​​.
  • First Wave of Modern Psychedelics: The decline of psychedelic use coincided with the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire, marking the end of the first wave of psychedelics. This shift underscores the interplay between religious, cultural, and political forces in shaping the use and perception of these substances throughout history​​.
  • Counterculture Movement: The 1950s saw a resurgence of interest in psychedelics, igniting the second wave during the counterculture era. This period was marked by significant research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics and their widespread cultural impact, including influencing various social movements and the technology sector​​.
  • Influence on Social Movements: Psychedelics played a pivotal role in shaping various social movements in the United States, including civil rights and ecological awareness. This era demonstrates the power of psychedelics to inspire collective action and societal change​​.
  • War on Drugs: The Nixon administration's War on Drugs in the 1970s drastically altered the trajectory of psychedelic research and use, highlighting the political dimensions of drug policy and its far-reaching implications for both individuals and society​​.
  • Resurgence and Research: Recent years have seen a significant resurgence in psychedelic research and public interest, particularly regarding their potential in mental health treatment. This shift marks a turning point in the understanding and acceptance of psychedelics in mainstream society​​.
  • Rising Popularity of Microdosing: Microdosing, the practice of taking sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics, has gained popularity as a means to enhance creativity, focus, and emotional well-being. This contemporary practice reflects a new wave in the psychedelic movement, emphasizing subtlety and integration into daily life​​.
  • Mainstream Acceptance and Impact: The increasing popularity of microdosing raises questions about its potential for mainstream acceptance and its role in fostering societal betterment. The book explores how these substances can be reframed and understood within a broader cultural and societal context​​.
  • Psychedelics and Mental Health: Psychedelics, particularly through microdosing, are shown to effectively treat various mental health issues, offering an alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments. This aspect highlights their potential in providing new avenues for healing and psychological well-being​​.

Paul Austin's approach to microdosing, as detailed in the book reflects a deeply personal and transformative journey, emphasizing the development of self-awareness and alignment with personal values and goals. Here are key aspects of his strategy and how it can benefit others:

  1. Personal Transformation through Microdosing: Austin's own experience with microdosing began in 2015 and led to significant personal growth. He credits microdosing with helping him overcome social anxiety, develop greater empathy and compassion, and foster deeper connections in relationships. By addressing his introversion and social anxieties, Austin found that microdosing allowed him to show up as his authentic self, enhancing his interactions and communications​​.
  2. Professional Alignment and Direction: Microdosing helped Austin to reevaluate his relationship with work and productivity. He realized that his drive for performance was rooted in a fear of inadequacy. This introspection guided him to align his professional path with his personal mission, ultimately leading to the creation of Third Wave and Synthesis, a legal psilocybin retreat. This aspect of his journey illustrates how microdosing can aid in achieving clarity about one's true desires and professional direction​​.
  3. Microdosing Protocols and Practices: Austin's book offers a comprehensive guide to microdosing, including protocols, benefits, potential drawbacks, and ways to source psychedelics. It presents a step-by-step approach to developing a personalized microdosing regimen, tailored to individual needs and goals. This includes understanding the legal landscape, finding the right dosage, and integrating microdosing into one's lifestyle for enhanced well-being and creativity​​.

Optimal protocols

  • Optimal protocols for microdosing involve taking a sub-perceptual dose of a psychedelic substance, typically around 1/10th to 1/20th of a standard dose, to minimize hallucinogenic effects.
  • The frequency of microdosing varies, with some individuals choosing to microdose every three days, while others prefer a schedule of every four days or even once a week.
  • It is recommended to start with a lower dose and gradually increase if needed, as individual responses to microdosing can vary.
  • Microdosing is often done over a period of several weeks or months to assess its effects on mood, cognition, and overall well-being.
  • The effects of microdosing can be subtle and may include increased focus, creativity, and mood enhancement.
  • It is important to note that there is no standardized protocol for microdosing, and individual experimentation and self-monitoring are key.
  • Consulting with a healthcare professional or experienced microdoser can provide guidance and support in developing an optimal microdosing protocol.
  • Research on microdosing is still limited, and more studies are needed to determine the long-term effects and optimal protocols.
  • The dosage and frequency of microdosing can vary depending on the specific psychedelic substance being used, such as LSD or psilocybin.
  • It is important to approach microdosing with caution and respect for the substance, ensuring a safe and controlled environment for the experience.


  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Users can benefit from increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence, similar to Austin's experience. This can lead to improved personal and professional relationships and a deeper understanding of one's motivations and desires.
  2. Professional Growth and Productivity: By following a structured microdosing protocol, users can experience improvements in focus, creativity, and productivity. This can translate into more fulfilling work and better alignment between one's career and personal values.
  3. Personalized Microdosing Plans: Austin's book provides insights into tailoring microdosing practices to fit individual lifestyles and goals. This personalization is key to maximizing the benefits of microdosing in various aspects of life, from mental health to professional development.


  • Theory vs. Practice: “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice—in practice there is.” - Yogi Berra. This quote encapsulates the essence of psychedelic experiences, where theoretical knowledge pales in comparison to practical, lived experiences​​.
  • Psychedelics and Self-Discovery: "Psychedelics wake you up to the truth of who you are. In that awakening, you have a choice: burn the ships and go courageously into the unknown or live a conventional life of meekness without genuinely listening to what your soul wants." - This powerful statement reflects on the profound self-realization and decision points psychedelics can introduce in one's life​​.
  • Steve Jobs on LSD: "In his posthumous biography, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs famously claimed that taking LSD was such a profound experience that it ranked as one of the most important things he ever did." - Highlighting the significant influence of LSD on one of the most notable innovators of our time​​.
  • Psychedelics and Brain Activity: “I was fascinated to see similarities between the pattern of brain activity in a psychedelic state and the pattern of brain activity during dream sleep, especially as both involve the primitive areas of the brain linked to emotions and memory.” - This quote sheds light on the scientific understanding of how psychedelics mimic a dream-like state in the brain​​.
  • Revolution in Human Possibility: “We are witnessing a groundswell, a growing movement to storm heaven and steal fire. It’s a revolution in human possibility.” - Austin captures the transformative potential of psychedelics in expanding human thought and creativity​​.
  • Breaking Down Barriers: "The prohibition of psychedelics is one of the most significant failures of scientific and political institutions in modern history, a massive setback to the cause of a more just and equitable society." - This quote criticizes the historical stigmatization and prohibition of psychedelics, highlighting their potential for societal benefit​​.
  • Psilocybin and Brain Function: "The brain does not simply become a random system after psilocybin injection but instead retains some organizational features, albeit different from the normal state." - This insight from a study points to the complex and nuanced effects of psilocybin on the brain, challenging simplified notions of its impact​​.
  • LSD and Neuroplasticity: "Low doses of LSD acutely increase BDNF blood plasma levels in healthy volunteers." - Highlighting recent scientific findings on the neuroplastic effects of LSD, suggesting its potential for cognitive and mental health benefits​​.


Mastering Microdosing by Paul Austin is a compelling narrative that bridges the ancient past and the present future of psychedelic use. Austin meticulously outlines the evolution of psychedelics from sacred rituals to modern therapeutic tools, underscoring their enduring significance in human culture and wellbeing. His exploration of microdosing as a subtle yet powerful practice offers a fresh perspective on how these ancient substances can be integrated into contemporary life for healing and personal growth.

Through this work, Austin not only educates but also challenges the reader to reconceptualize the role of psychedelics, the stigma and misconceptions surrounding these substances, offering a nuanced understanding of their potential benefits. The book is must read for those seeking alternative approaches to mental health and self-improvement, advocating for a balanced and informed use of psychedelics in the quest for a more connected, creative, and conscious life. As society stands at the crossroads of mental health crises and spiritual seeking, Mastering Microdosing is a timely and essential guide, inviting us to rediscover the profound wisdom embedded in these ancient practices.

Author: Paul Austin
Publisher: Houndstooth Press
Publication date: 2022
Pages: 286

Mastering Microdosing

By Paul Austin

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