Radical Mycology by Peter McCoy


Radical Mycology is a groundbreaking and comprehensive guide to the fascinating world of fungi. Peter McCoy presents a deep exploration of the history, science, cultivation, and practical applications of mycology. The book is engaging, well-researched, and serves as an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced mycologists alike. McCoy takes a unique approach by combining traditional scientific knowledge with radical, innovative ideas, making it an inspiring read for those interested in the potential of fungi to address ecological and societal issues.


  • The importance of fungi: Fungi play a crucial role in ecological balance, nutrient cycling, and decomposition.
  • Mycoremediation: The use of fungi to remediate polluted environments is a promising and innovative technique for environmental restoration.
  • Mycopermaculture: Integrating fungi into permaculture systems can promote sustainable agriculture and ecological resilience.
  • Fungal cultivation: The book provides detailed instructions for cultivating a variety of fungi for food, medicine, and ecological purposes.
  • Mycoalchemy: Fungi possess unique biochemical capabilities that can be harnessed for producing novel materials, medicines, and other valuable products.
  • Mycomedicinals: Many fungi have therapeutic properties and can be used for promoting health and wellness.
  • Mycofiltration: Fungi can be employed to filter and purify water, offering a sustainable and effective solution to water pollution.


  • "Fungi represent a largely untapped resource for addressing many of the world's most pressing ecological and social issues."
  • "Mycology is a science that has yet to be fully recognized for its profound implications and potentials."
  • "Mycelial networks act as nature's internet, connecting plants and trees in complex, cooperative relationships."
  • "Fungi have the ability to transform our world, one mycelial thread at a time."
  • "Mushrooms can be cultivated on a wide range of organic waste materials, effectively upcycling waste into valuable food and medicine."
  • "Mycopermaculture is the integration of fungi into sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices."
  • "Mycoremediation offers hope for addressing the widespread issue of environmental pollution."
  • "Mycelium is an incredibly adaptable and versatile material that can be used to create eco-friendly alternatives to plastic and other synthetic materials."
  • "Fungi are not only a source of food and medicine but also a source of inspiration and fascination."
  • "Radical Mycology is about much more than mushrooms; it's a call to action for ecological restoration, social justice, and personal empowerment."


Radical Mycology by Peter McCoy is a comprehensive and groundbreaking guide to the world of fungi, delving into their history, science, cultivation, and potential applications. By combining traditional knowledge with innovative ideas, McCoy invites readers to explore the untapped potential of fungi to address ecological and social challenges. With detailed instructions for cultivation, practical applications, and an emphasis on the importance of fungi in the natural world, "Radical Mycology" is an essential resource for anyone interested in the study and practice of mycology.

Author: Peter McCoy
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
Publication date: 2016
Pages: 672

Radical Mycology

By Peter McCoy

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